Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010


The students of 4th of Primary of the School El Redin (Pamplona, Spain) wish you a Merry Christmas with these funny videos. Hope you will enjoy as much as I did when we recorded them. The first video it's from the class "A" and the second is from "B".

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reading AND Others

Here you have a very interesting exercise with a reading, some questions, vocabulary and a wordsearch. Have fun while doing it! Click here

Verb to be (past tenses)

Review the past of the verb to be with this exercise: click here

Christmas Wordsearch

Christmas is here! Finally! But don't forget your english during the hollidays, so practice with this easy wordsearch.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ordinal numbers Wordsearch

Are you able to find in this wordsearch eight ordinal numbers? Dare you! Click here

Family Wordsearch

Are you able to say the names of every people in the family, like grandfather, son, cousin, nephew...? Try with this wordsearch.

Items at school

There are lots of things you use at school, but do you really know their names?

Lets find them it in this easy exercise.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Are you feeling happy?

How is the face in the picture feeling? Guess the answer in this activity.


Do you remember the prepositions? You can see them in the picture near this text. Lets see if you're able to fill the whole exercise here.

The clothes

Now that cold weather is coming, don´t loose your winter clothes! practise their names with this exercise: weather and clothes.

Monday, November 29, 2010


An adjective is a word that says something more about the noun.

Example: I have a car / I have a red car (thanks to this word, we know that the car is red). Now, it's your turn.

1. Activity 1: adjectives.
2. Activity 2: complete the text with comparative words. If we compare between 2 things we add "er"; if we compare more than 2, we add "est". Be careful with the exceptions (good, bad, less, more).

About the pictures:
Picture 1: the penguin is happy.
Picture 2: the penguin that is in the middle is the happiest penguin.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Second Part: in the house

This is your house. There are some items that you must order in their proper rooms. Are you able to do it? Try and learn the vocabulary.

My home

Vocabulary, exercises and many other activities to learn the english vocabulary related to your house. Before, read this advice: "When we talk about the third person of the singular, we add an "s" to the verb at the end of the word".
Example: I play football / He plays football.
                She cooks the dinner / We cook the dinner

Parts of the body

In this site you will find a lot of fun exercises about your body. How do you say...? Click on this link and enjoy the activities.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Writing - Wild Animals

Here you have some vocabulary and a short video about wild animals (animales salvajes). You have some exercises too. Have fun! Click here.

Irregular verbs & writing - Verb "to have"

Here you have a great opportunity to see if you know how to write the verb "to have". You can also check other verbs. After playing these games you can check your answers.

1- Click here to see exercise nº 1
2- Click here to see the second exercise

Countable and uncountable nouns

Remind (recuerda) the countable and uncountable nouns (nombres que se pueden contar y que no se pueden contar) with this wordsearch.
1. Countable noun: Two tigers.
2. Uncountable noun: we cannot count "milk". We can count "bottles of milk" or "litres of milk", but we cannot count "milk" itself (no podemos decir tengo tres leches...).

After doing it, you can check the answers. Click here to play the game.

What's the weather like?

Review some weather vocabulary with this funny exercise! You will have to watch a short video first (it's in that webpage). Click here to see the exercise.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Chistmas Carols

Follow the lyric and enjoy these beautiful carols for Christmas. The first one is in English and the Second one in French. The titles are "So this is Christmas" and "Le petit renne au nez rouge". You can practice at home with your family.

What time is it?

Three levels that you must pass if you want to continue working with different activities. Once you have finished, you must call your teacher. Click on this link.

Listening: activities

In this site you will find some activities to practice your listening. They are really very interesting. You can play and learn at the same time but remember that you should do, at least, three listening activities. My advice: choose those games "most popular". You must click here to start.

Santa's Little Helper

It's Christmas Eve and Santa's getting ready to deliver (llevar) presents to boys and girls all around the world. How can he deliver all the presents in time? Find out how in Santa's Little Helper story.

Reading: The princess and the dragon

Here you have a story about a princess and a dragon. You must first listen to the story and then you will be able to answer the questions about the story.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vocabulary: match the pictures

Do you know that playing is a good way to learn any language? Therefore here you have some games you can enjoy while you are learning.

1. English speaking countries
2. Find the hidden animal
3. Match the different parts of a playground
4. Match the different parts of a bee

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

English exercises

If you want to practice some English exercises click here. First, you must read the instructions and then you can do the activities. In this case, we are talking about clothes. Good luck!