Here you have a site with a very interesting vocabulary about "Describing people". First, study the words and then try to complete the exercise. You must:
1. Learn the vocabulary: click here.
2. Do the exercise: click here.
What was your final mark? Send a comment to your teacher.
I don't understand this.But if you
have do it,is for help in the exams.Thanks Mr.Carlos!!!
not only for the exam but to learn as much English as we can this year... I think that studying adjectives will be very useful for your future speaking and writing.
Mr.Carlos my final mark was seven is was a difficult activity
I did this exercise and I have a 10
I try and is a few dificul brave(valiente) you put words very rares but I know why did you put this words to learn more words and describe people with a lot of adjectives a good game THANKS.
I think you put the word "dificul"
wrong: is dificult
¡¡hello d.Carlos!! i create a web
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